Audio book review Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Review by Rashmi, a publisher
When her latest boyfriend breaks up with her, Min is more irritated than hurt. An Actuary by profession, Min deals more in facts than in feelings - to her, Love is a fairy tale and which doesn't happen to full-figured gals like her. But when she accidentally overhears her recent ex-boyfriend making a bet with a practiced Casanova, Calvin Morrissey, about bedding her, clever and enraged gal that she is, Min decides to turn tables on both of them and goes out with Calvin. Virtually bulldozed into making this bet, Calvin isn’t pleased either to be dating a prim-looking marm like Min. But still, a bet is a bet, and Calvin doesn't like to lose.

Determined to dislike Calvin from the first, Min is brutally honest with him and Calvin soon reciprocates, neither caring what impression they make upon each other. Thanks to this refreshing candidness, there is no artificiality or pretense between them; which is why they are most pleasantly surprised when they begin to like each other because of it and for it. As time passes and they spend more time together, something strange happens to both of them. Is it Fate throwing them together at every turn of life, showing them how perfect they are for each other, or is it just plain unfulfilled desire clouding their senses? With ex.’s who just won’t give up, psycho cats, and loopy friends, this book is Fun all the way.

On the surface, Calvin and Min appear to be to two completely disparate individuals, and yet they're not. Crusie’s woman characters are always true to life and very real and that is the case with Min and her best friends Liza and Bonnie. Min’s struggle with her full figure and constant attempts to diet are simultaneously amusing and affecting. Calvin’s initially not very likable, what with his Casanova reputation and betting at the drop of a hat. But he redeems himself completely when he likes Min the way she is and doesn't want to change her. The whole book is a wonderfully warm journey of discovery and togetherness between them. Wonderfully wicked observations, delightfully droll comments, amusing situations - all titivate an already hilarious piece of fiction. Humor is generally an integral part of all Crusie’s stories and so it is with this too.

Review by me, a reader
Ceritanya lucu, konyol dan serba kebetulan. Seperti yang diimpikan Min Doobs, menunggu pangeran impian, Elvis, seperti di negeri dongeng. Min memang bukan type wanita yang tinggi langsing yet sexy, tapi just regular woman in her thirties. Akhirnya dia jatuh cinta dengan Calvin Morrosey the Casanova. Tapi kali ini hubungan mereka serius dan akhirnya happy ending.... menikah.
Yang lucu di cerita ini, Cal tahu kesukaan Min seperti Chicken Marsala, Hot Dog, Krispy Kreme Donut atau semua hal-hal yang berbau carbs dan butter.
Total CD 10, rada kepanjangan dikit ceritanya... tapi ga masalah, soalnya penasaran juga akhirnya gimana.
Review 4 stars out of 5 stars.


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