The Cat Who... series by Lilian Jackson Braun

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Buat para penggemar kucing...meoww..meowww....boleh deh coba baca buku ini. Buku ini termasuk cerita detektif dengan peran utamanya kucing. Meski detektif tapi alur ceritanya humor jadi ga terlalu serem-serem amat.

The Private Life of The Cat Who...
Peran utama dari setiap cerita mystery "The Cat Who.." adalah Koko si jantan dan Yum-Yum si betina, dua-duanya adalah jenis kucing Siam. Pemiliknya adalah James Mackintosh Qwilleran, seorang kolumnis dari Moose County.

Koko tinggal bersama Qwill setelah pemilik Koko yang sebelumnya meninggal. Koko mempunyai keistimewaan 60 kumis dengan penciuman yang tajam(kucing normal konon mempunyai 48 kumis). Koko tidak suka ditinggal sendiri dan suka memakan baju Qwill, akibatnya suka muntah hair ball. Untuk mengatasi kesendiriannya, akhirnya Qwill menemukan Yum-Yum untuk teman Koko. Yum-Yum mempunyai keistimewaan pandai mengambil macam-macam barang dari mulai sikat gigi sampai benda-benda kecil. Tapi juga Yum-Yum pandai mencuri hati setiap orang yang melihatnya. Sejak itu Koko dan Yum-Yum tidak pernah terpisahkan dan mereka membantu memecahkan berbagai mystery bersama Qwill.

The Cat Who Eat Danish Modern
In this, the second in 'The Cat Who...' series, Lilian Braun draws us further into the zany world of reporter Jim Qwilleran and his fearless sidekick, Koko the Siamese cat.
Jim is quite upset when the managing editor of the Daily Fluxion pulls him off his job as art writer and assigns him the special task of bringing out a weekly home decorating guide. While leading the 'Gracious Abodes' effort is a step up, it's not a step to what Qwill really wants to do - return to crime reporting.

Fortunately, Qwill connects with decorator David Lyke who manages to get Qwill and photographer Odd Bunsen into the Muggy Swamp mansion of G. Verning Tait, who has a fabulous jade collection. But Qwill's efforts seem ill-fated when, no sooner was the weekly out in print, but the Tait mansion was broken into, and the jade collection stolen. Paolo, the missing house boy is blamed, but Qwill's moustache keeps twitching, making him suspect that the theft was something else entirely.

Each issue of 'Gracious Abodes' seems similarly cursed. The robbery first, then Quill's subject for the second issue turns out to be a house of ill repute, and finally David Lyke is murdered. If Qwill hadn't become involved with Cokey, an attractive designer with an unusual approach to clothing, he would had quickly have become depressed. But he struggles on, despite the rising paranoia of his managing editor, trying to convince someone that something even fishier than theft and murder is going on.

Koko in the meantime is showing some strange behaviors. He seems to be irritated at Cokey, and has taken to eating Qwill's few wool ties. Perplexed, Qwill is driven to visit a 'psycatatrist,' who provides explanations even stranger than Koko's behavior. As you might expect, Koko has already solved the crime and is having trouble getting the message through to Qwilleran.


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